College Success Program Overview

Our Services

The College Success Program at Architects For Learning provides students with three tiers of support, each with different levels of support.

  • Level 1: Two hours of 1:1 instruction per week and daily check-ins/support
  • Level 2: One hour of 1:1 instruction per week and daily check-ins/support
  • Level 3: One hour of 1:1 instruction per week, or 30 minutes of 1:1 instruction and as needed check-ins/support

Across all levels, we provide 360-degree support for students, including:    

  • Individualized instruction to strengthen skills, strategies, systems, and habits  
  • Guidance to support generalization between sessions via text, email, Google docs, and/or phone
  • Consultation with college staff and other professionals to coordinate instruction 
  • Collaboration with parents  

What students need from us varies over time, so we structure our time each week to meet the ebb and flow of their needs. For example, we might decide not to meet during spring break but schedule a longer session the week before a big paper is due.

We keep track of the various ways we support students so we are sure to provide the support that’s needed over the course of the semester.


The College Success Program spans two, 15-week semesters. These span the following weeks:

  • Fall: September 3 through December 13, 2024
  • Spring: January 27 through May 9, 2025

If our schedules allow, we may adjust these dates to accommodate different school calendars.

Either of us may terminate our relationship at any time. In the event of termination, you are obligated to pay for services provided.

Virtual Sessions

Individualized instruction may be provided in our office or virtually.  We request at least 24 hours advanced notice if you need to switch from an in-person session to a virtual format.

Please be sure to use a laptop or desktop computer for all virtual sessions.  Cell phones and iPads do not allow students to access the features of Zoom that we rely on for instruction.

Please note that our policy is to end a virtual session under the following conditions:

  • Students log in on a cell phone
  • Students are in a location that does not support virtual learning (e.g., a car, their bed, outside, in a public space or environment that is noisy and distraction-filled)
  • Students do not have a stable internet connection
  • A student’s laptop battery dies

Missed Sessions/Cancellations

Should you need to cancel a scheduled session, please notify your specialist as soon as possible.  

If students are not feeling well or have had exposure to someone with Covid, we request that they cancel their session or work with their specialist virtually. Please note that our policy is to end the session if students present as too ill to benefit from instruction.

We do not offer make-up sessions. Additional sessions may be offered if and when our specialist’s schedules allow. 

Tuition and payment schedule

Tuition for the College Success Program is as follows:

  • Level 1: $7,875.00 
  • Level 2: $4,725.00
  • Level 3: $3,300.00

We require all families to keep a credit card on file. Tuition is charged to your credit card in 3 equal payments, scheduled every 28 days as follows:

Fall Semester

  • September 3, 2024
  • October 1, 2024
  • October 29, 2024

Spring Semester

  • January 27, 2025
  • February 24, 2025
  • March 24, 2025

We accept students on a rolling admission and pro-rate tuition for students who enroll mid-semester.


Our services are primarily academic in nature. We are not affiliated with any insurance companies, and we do not bill insurance companies directly for our services. 

On rare occasions, services provided by a speech-language pathologist may be considered medically necessary rather than academically beneficial. In such instances and when out-of-network services are approved by your insurance company, you will be held responsible for payment. We will provide you with statements that you may submit to your insurance company for reimbursement after services have been provided. 

We will provide statements for services as of the date that you request them. No statements will be issued for services provided prior to receipt of your request.

We look forward to working with you!